Every woman’s experience with menopause, the blues or even depression, is unique. What works for one woman may not work for another, so it’s crucial to find an approach that suits your individual needs. Remember, you’re not alone in this journey, and seeking help is an important step towards finding relief and reclaiming your well-being.

A midlife woman standing with her arms around her chest. She is sad and has her head down. Text: Got the Menopause Blues? It's okay. You're okay.

The act of quitting is such an emotional thing. Like I’ve talked about in one of my Motivational Mondays, when we were kids, one of my cousins was notorious for yelling out “I QUIT!” when whatever game we were playing wasn’t going her way. Quitting in that moment was an emotional response to her disappointment. We’re no different as adults.

Woman sitting with knees drawn up. She is crying and exclaming "I Quit!"

What we need at this time in our relationships is face time. Not necessarily talk time, although that is great too. But as we are growing our careers and raising kids, real face time can be ignored or sacrificed for everything else.

Graphic of two people holding hands with the text "Connecting in midlife"

Besides the fact that our butt holds our pants up, the gluteus muscles work together to stabilize the hip, core, and back muscles. They help your body stay upright and moving forward. So we’ve gotta take care of them.

Woman sitting at desk working on computer. Sleepy Zs are coming from the area of her booty, her butt telling us that it is asleep. Text says Listen to your booty! Get Up!