Being sore is part of the game and something you have to work through to get to the other side. It doesn’t last, but I’ve got some things you can do to help ease the soreness or make it pass more quickly. Just don’t give up.

Women working out - One in down dog, One stretching hamstrings. And another doing a running stretch. Text - Overcoming DOMS - Delayed Onset Muscle soreness

Squirrels are relentless. They don’t stop until they find a way to get what they want. Sometimes they will even risk it all and hurl themselves through the air to get to that feeder. Watching them never give up is really quite amazing. How do we get some of that?

Squirrel staring at you with a lot of confidence. Text - Be the squirrel. Don't give up.

External motivators can definitely help get your initial movement going, but you need to combine your external workout motivation with intrinsic workout motivation to be able to keep it going long term.

paper being held up by tape and it says "note to self: Do not quit".

So many women refuse to get the protein they need because they think that that is the way to lose weight or that too much protein is bad for them or will make them “bulk up”. But nothing could be further from the truth. Getting the recommended amount of protein is going to keep you lean, help, make bones strong, and usher you into better health as you age.

Graphics of hard boiled egg, collagen powder, and yogurt as sources of additional protein.