Most couples have a heaps of unrealized potential in their relationship, but it takes a lifetime of sharing and caring to achieve it. You could be standing on the edge of a complete breakdown of your relationship if you don’t tend to it every day. But you could also be getting ready to embark on some of the most amazing days together, so it is worth the work.

A midlife man and women reconnect by holding hands with the text "We do over and over" "Reconnecting in midlife"

What we need at this time in our relationships is face time. Not necessarily talk time, although that is great too. But as we are growing our careers and raising kids, real face time can be ignored or sacrificed for everything else.

Graphic of two people holding hands with the text "Connecting in midlife"

Squirrels are relentless. They don’t stop until they find a way to get what they want. Sometimes they will even risk it all and hurl themselves through the air to get to that feeder. Watching them never give up is really quite amazing. How do we get some of that?

Squirrel staring at you with a lot of confidence. Text - Be the squirrel. Don't give up.

External motivators can definitely help get your initial movement going, but you need to combine your external workout motivation with intrinsic workout motivation to be able to keep it going long term.

paper being held up by tape and it says "note to self: Do not quit".