This is the day that you actually looked at each other and started this journey together without knowing what it would look like. It was the beginning of a sweet journey that has defined your life on many levels. It is a day that should mean something to only you and your partner.

match and flame with text of "it's a match" to talk about dating.

I’ve never considered midlife a bad or horrible stage of life, but for many others they cringe when they hear the word. Especially when it used to describe them. So let’s examine. What is midlife anyway?

Two 60 year old women, but one is young looking and one is older with a cane.

A bucket list holds someday items, but the second an item gets moved to the goal list, it becomes a action item. An item that requires a plan and timeframe put into place to make sure it happens.

Bucket with a bunch of ideas falling inside

None of us will ever be 17 or 25 or 40 again. Physical attributes that make us hot or not come and go, but when you are in love with the whole of another person, just a knowing look or a light brush of the hand across your back could be the biggest turn ons of all.

Text title: The Rules of Hot or Not. Graphic of middle aged man and woman holding hands and walking