Most couples have a heaps of unrealized potential in their relationship, but it takes a lifetime of sharing and caring to achieve it. You could be standing on the edge of a complete breakdown of your relationship if you don’t tend to it every day. But you could also be getting ready to embark on some of the most amazing days together, so it is worth the work.

A midlife man and women reconnect by holding hands with the text "We do over and over" "Reconnecting in midlife"

There can certainly be a moment of “let down” after reaching a goal. You’ve been climbing this mountain for so long and at the top, the pinnacle, all there is a drop on the other side. I encourage you to look back to the days of the grind and take a tick.

Woman on top of the mountain looking out over the other side wondering "What's Next?" Her goal has been achieved.

The act of quitting is such an emotional thing. Like I’ve talked about in one of my Motivational Mondays, when we were kids, one of my cousins was notorious for yelling out “I QUIT!” when whatever game we were playing wasn’t going her way. Quitting in that moment was an emotional response to her disappointment. We’re no different as adults.

Woman sitting with knees drawn up. She is crying and exclaming "I Quit!"

Change is good for the soul. It’s how we learn and grow and begin to push ourselves to limits we didn’t know we were capable of. But some people will hang on to an old situation for familiarity and ease sake until it is literally causing them more pain than pleasure. I believe that even asking yourself if you should make a change is a sure sign that you should, or at least give it some serious thought.

Two roads split by a direction sign with one side pointing to the same ole comfy spot and the other pointing to the new scary opportunity.