Cardio and strength training are both so good for you. You can’t go wrong if you do either of them. But the best of all worlds is to include BOTH in your weekly fitness plan. Each has a place.

The purpose of this photo is to ask the question - Cardio Exercise or Strength Training - Which is Better. There is a graphic of the words Work Out with dumbells.

Life is too long to stop learning in our midlife. Culture and our surroundings will never be frozen in time. The days will pass, the years will slide by, and the world will change. And when the world changes, we need to change.

Test - Say Yes to lifelong learning. Man with a dog teaching him a new trick with a hoop

I think it is very healthy to have a great balance of both short and long-term goals. And I do believe that if you are sincere about the goals that you setting, that is isn’t any reason why you can’t reach them if you work toward them. And that’s the key, isn’t it.

Goal board with arrow in the center signifying hitting a goal with text HITTING YOUR GOAL.

Change is good for the soul. It’s how we learn and grow and begin to push ourselves to limits we didn’t know we were capable of. But some people will hang on to an old situation for familiarity and ease sake until it is literally causing them more pain than pleasure. I believe that even asking yourself if you should make a change is a sure sign that you should, or at least give it some serious thought.

Two roads split by a direction sign with one side pointing to the same ole comfy spot and the other pointing to the new scary opportunity.