Cardio and strength training are both so good for you. You can’t go wrong if you do either of them. But the best of all worlds is to include BOTH in your weekly fitness plan. Each has a place.

The purpose of this photo is to ask the question - Cardio Exercise or Strength Training - Which is Better. There is a graphic of the words Work Out with dumbells.

We get moving so fast that we just plow things that we should be appreciating along the way. De-clutter your busy and pick the things that will make you productive and enjoy your days.

Woman juggling all of the things she has to do with exasperated look on her face. Text "Sick of busy?" "Getting Nothing Done?"

Life changes overnight and we become ultra aware that there are certain things that we need to be paying attention to when it comes to our health. We know that if we don’t, we likely won’t feel our absolute best.

A heart beating surrounded with bubbles of all of the things we need to focus on in our health. Text is Midlife Health Non-Negotiables

Every male that is involved with a woman of a certain age will be faced with menopause, too. And while he might not experiencing all of the symptoms, it is important for him to know where he stands and what he can do to use that “I’ve gotta fix it” mentaility.

Man standing with arms out reaching toward a symbol of female with pause sign. Text reads Men's Menopause Roles