There can certainly be a moment of “let down” after reaching a goal. You’ve been climbing this mountain for so long and at the top, the pinnacle, all there is a drop on the other side. I encourage you to look back to the days of the grind and take a tick.

Woman on top of the mountain looking out over the other side wondering "What's Next?" Her goal has been achieved.

Good luck as you prepare for battle to take on all the new things in 2024. If you are going to do them, do them right. But most important, don’t forget to have fun along the way. This one life is going fast, so take advantage of all of your blessings every chance you get, because you CAN.

A woman dressed in suit of armor in order to prepare for battle. Text "The race before race day - preparing for battle"

Life changes overnight and we become ultra aware that there are certain things that we need to be paying attention to when it comes to our health. We know that if we don’t, we likely won’t feel our absolute best.

A heart beating surrounded with bubbles of all of the things we need to focus on in our health. Text is Midlife Health Non-Negotiables

Change is good for the soul. It’s how we learn and grow and begin to push ourselves to limits we didn’t know we were capable of. But some people will hang on to an old situation for familiarity and ease sake until it is literally causing them more pain than pleasure. I believe that even asking yourself if you should make a change is a sure sign that you should, or at least give it some serious thought.

Two roads split by a direction sign with one side pointing to the same ole comfy spot and the other pointing to the new scary opportunity.