April 15, 2022 – The Sixty-First Official Friday Night BeerBlog As promised in last week’s FNBB 60, I am writing about purging this week. It is actually one of my favorite things of all time. But it can get me in trouble, uninvited and shunned, and definitely ridiculed and made fun of. But secretly, on […]

March 4, 2022 – The Fifty-Fifth Official Friday Night Beerblog I met a most amazing woman this week. A friend of mine helped take care of her late husband and told me about her. And insisted I get her on the podcast. I was intrigued and went out to Facebook and checked this woman out. […]

July 16, 2021 – The Twenty-Fifth official Friday Night BeerBlog A childhood friend of mine died last weekend. I went to school with him from the first day of grade school till the last day of high school. He was the kid that laughed a lot (mainly at his own jokes or grossness), farted in […]