Most couples have a heaps of unrealized potential in their relationship, but it takes a lifetime of sharing and caring to achieve it. You could be standing on the edge of a complete breakdown of your relationship if you don’t tend to it every day. But you could also be getting ready to embark on some of the most amazing days together, so it is worth the work.

A midlife man and women reconnect by holding hands with the text "We do over and over" "Reconnecting in midlife"

Cardio and strength training are both so good for you. You can’t go wrong if you do either of them. But the best of all worlds is to include BOTH in your weekly fitness plan. Each has a place.

The purpose of this photo is to ask the question - Cardio Exercise or Strength Training - Which is Better. There is a graphic of the words Work Out with dumbells.

There can certainly be a moment of “let down” after reaching a goal. You’ve been climbing this mountain for so long and at the top, the pinnacle, all there is a drop on the other side. I encourage you to look back to the days of the grind and take a tick.

Woman on top of the mountain looking out over the other side wondering "What's Next?" Her goal has been achieved.

Good luck as you prepare for battle to take on all the new things in 2024. If you are going to do them, do them right. But most important, don’t forget to have fun along the way. This one life is going fast, so take advantage of all of your blessings every chance you get, because you CAN.

A woman dressed in suit of armor in order to prepare for battle. Text "The race before race day - preparing for battle"