This is the day that you actually looked at each other and started this journey together without knowing what it would look like. It was the beginning of a sweet journey that has defined your life on many levels. It is a day that should mean something to only you and your partner.

match and flame with text of "it's a match" to talk about dating.

February 26, 2021 – The Fifth Official Friday Night BeerBlog I am not going to lie. Sometimes it is hard to create something out of nothing, which is what a weekly blog usually is. Most of the time an idea pops into my head by Tuesday or Wednesday and I sit down and write. But […]

February 5, 2020 – Second Official Friday Night BeerBlog When I started thinking about adding some options to my website over the holidays, I searched the internet for “how-tos” on adding an RSS feed to my podcast, an archives page for my blog, and some enhancements like widgets and website analytics. I was less […]

January 29, 2021 – The first official Friday Night BeerBlog In any given 5K, 10K, Half Marathon, Marathon race, throngs of people pay money to enter, get their shoes ready, maybe even buy a new pair of shorts to run in. Hopefully they run at least a little going into it and may even invite […]