December 31, 2021 – The Forth-Sixth Official Friday Night BeerBlog So, during the first half of this year I had some brown paper hanging up on the closet door in Ian’s room, which I was using an an office before he moved home in July. On this brown paper I had several running lists, but […]

April 3, 2021 – The tenth official Friday Night BeerBlog So I’m sitting in my office, slash Ian’s bedroom, on April Fool’s Day, thinking about what poetic to wax this week and glance sideways out the window. What is that? Little flecks of white. Is the wind blowing some early spring petals off the dogwood? […]

February 5, 2020 – Second Official Friday Night BeerBlog When I started thinking about adding some options to my website over the holidays, I searched the internet for “how-tos” on adding an RSS feed to my podcast, an archives page for my blog, and some enhancements like widgets and website analytics. I was less […]