April 15, 2022 – The Sixty-First Official Friday Night BeerBlog As promised in last week’s FNBB 60, I am writing about purging this week. It is actually one of my favorite things of all time. But it can get me in trouble, uninvited and shunned, and definitely ridiculed and made fun of. But secretly, on […]

April 1, 2022 – The Fifty-Ninth Official Friday Night BeerBlog First of all, Happy April Fool’s Day. I wish that the title subject was just a joke, but it’s not and they are. The easiest things are sometimes the hardest to do. They just are. We often set ourselves up with crazy and unbelievably hard […]

March 25, 2022 – The Fifty-Ninth Official Friday Night BeerBlog I wrote one of my all-time favorite blog posts about a year ago. It was actually FNBB 8 titled “You’re a Savage. Classy. Bougie. Ratchet”. Go back and take a listen, but it is basically about how we can be hesitant in accepting compliments. If […]

March 19, 2022 – The Fifty-Seventh Offical Friday Night BeerBlog I didn’t necessarily want to give any more screen time to COVID, but the fact that we just passed the two year anniversary of all things COVID related, and because at some point this blog and all of it’s contents will be living as a […]