April 3, 2020. My third blog post in the Coronatimes. I’ve had my purse stolen twice in my life. The first time was out of the car while I ran into the daycare to pick up my kids. That one I consider my fault because I didn’t lock the car. The second time convinced me […]

March 27, 2020. My second blog post in the Coronatimes. We are 14 days into our Coronavirus quarantine over here and on our weekly Friday call my mom asked me if I was keeping a Coronavirus Diary. I found this interesting because, no, I’m not keeping a Coronavirus Diary. And, should I be? Is that […]

April 3, 2020. My first blog post in the Coronatimes. Every time someone asks me if my daughter is home from school since most universities have gone to online classes for the rest of the semester, I just roll my eyes and say, “Not yet.” Talking my daughter into coming home has been a hard […]

March 2020 My boss’s 32 year old son died last weekend in a car accident. That was the news I was hit with as I walked into work on Monday morning. Shock and hysteria and tears and hugs with a fellow co-worker. Not only because Sam had died, but because both of us have sons […]