September 4, 2020. The eleventh blog in the RestorationAge Weekly blogging is sometimes easy and near impossible other times. I try to start drumming up ideas and thoughts on Tuesday, write out a little on Wednesday or Thursday, and then on Friday, while drinking a beer (or two or three), smooth out the wrinkles or […]

August 28, 2020 – The 10th Blog in the RestorationAge Wednesday August 26, 2020 marked the centennial of the complete ratification and taking effect of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, giving women the right to vote. Let me “amend” that. Women were not given the right to vote, they fought for over 100 […]

August 14, 2020 – The Ninth Blog of the RestorationAge I’ve lost my keys. I’ve lost money. I’ve lost bets. I’ve lost bicycle races. I’ve even lost my mind. But the worst thing of all to lose is friends. I’m not talking about the occasional “friend” that takes you out of their Facebook or Instagram […]

August 7, 2020 – The eighth blog in the RestorationAge I wrote a blog last Friday, but it was 12 short hours before I was to leave for a much needed break from my house and as I reread it a few times, I found it very angry and more of a word vomit than […]